Stallion Basketball Camp
June 15-18
South Pointe High School Gymnasium
(803) 980-2156
“Building a Winning Tradition”
Your Camp Fee Includes:
• Individual Instruction
• The opportunity to improve your basketball skills in a high-school practice environment
• 12 hours of on court fundamental instruction
• Camp T-shirt
• Daily door prizes
The camp is designed to teach the individual the fundamental skills of basketball. The camp session will emphasize the basic fundamentals common to all players regardless of position. The camp will consist of 12 hours of on court instruction as well as shooting contests, dribbling contests and other basketball related contests.
The camp is open to kids ages 7-14. The sessions will run from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Camp Necessities:
Bring basketball shoes, socks, shorts, towel, and an eager attitude to learn basketball.
Arrival and Departure:
Campers should arrive at 8:45 am and sessions will end promptly at noon. Campers should arrive at the gym through the outside gym doors.
Make Checks payable to: South Pointe High School Athletics
$50.00 per Camper Mail Registration and tuition: Dwayne Hartsoe
South Pointe High School
801 Neely Rd.
Rock Hill SC 29730
Stallion Basketball Camp
HOME ADDRESS________________________________SHIRT SIZE___________
EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBER_________________________PARENT/GUARDIAN__________________
This signed statement certifies that my child is medically clear to participate in the Stallion Basketball Camp. I understand that South Pointe High School or the Stallion Basketball Camp Staff will not be held responsible for injury that should occur during the camp. I also understand that South Pointe High School or the Stallion Basketball Staff will not be responsible for campers before or after the camp sessions.
PARENT/GUARDIAN SIGNATURE____________________________DATE_________
I also understand that all medical bills incurred while participating in the Stallion Basketball Camp are the responsibility of the Camper’s family.